Tropland Universe
Tropland Universe is a captivating media franchise created by Josh Gottsegen. It began in 2013 as a setting for the "Joosh's Juice Bar" trilogy of children's books, set in the enchanted Tropland Forest. Since then, the franchise has expanded to include a diverse cast of characters, multiple formats, and a dedicated following of fans.
In 2020, the release of the middle-grade fantasy novel "The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot" sent shockwaves through the Tropland fandom, captivating new readers and critics alike. The book earned a stunning 5-star rating on Amazon, and over 100 bloggers across the web raved about its engaging characters, heart-warming storyline, and imaginative world-building.
In late 2022, Gottsegen expanded the universe even further with groundbreaking AI art concepts that have captured the attention of a global audience. With nearly 140,000 followers and millions of views on the @TroplandUniverse Instagram account, Tropland’s future characters, settings, and more have sparked immense interest and anticipation.
As the franchise continues to push the boundaries of storytelling, it is poised to expand into even more books and animated episodic series, promising more thrilling adventures for fans to explore.